
You don't have to instantiate an Homie instance, it is done internally.

void setup();

Setup Homie.


Must be called once in setup().

void loop();

Handle Homie work.


Must be called once in loop().

Functions to call before Homie.setup()

void Homie_setFirmware(const char* name, const char* version);
// This is not a typo

Set the name and version of the firmware. This is useful for OTA, as Homie will check against the server if there is a newer version.


You need to set the firmware for your sketch to work.

  • name: Name of the firmware. Default value is undefined
  • version: Version of the firmware. Default value is undefined
void Homie_setBrand(const char* name);
// This is not a typo

Set the brand of the device, used in the configuration AP, the device hostname and the MQTT client ID.

  • name: Name of the brand. Default value is Homie
Homie& disableLogging();

Disable Homie logging.

Homie& setLoggingPrinter(Print* printer);

Set the Print instance used for logging.

  • printer: Print instance to log to. By default, Serial is used


It's up to you to call Serial.begin()

Homie& disableLedFeedback();

Disable the built-in LED feedback indicating the Homie for ESP8266 state.

Homie& setLedPin(uint8_t pin, uint8_t on);

Set pin of the LED to control.

  • pin: LED to control
  • on: state when the light is on (HIGH or LOW)
Homie& setConfigurationApPassword(const char* password);

Set the configuration AP password.

  • password: the configuration AP password
Homie& setGlobalInputHandler(std::function<bool(const String& nodeId, const String& property, const HomieRange& range, const String& value)> handler);

Set input handler for subscribed properties.

  • handler: Global input handler
  • node: Name of the node getting updated
  • property: Property of the node getting updated
  • range: Range of the property of the node getting updated
  • value: Value of the new property
Homie& setBroadcastHandler(std::function<bool(const String& level, const String& value)> handler);

Set broadcast handler.

  • handler: Broadcast handler
  • level: Level of the broadcast
  • value: Value of the broadcast
Homie& onEvent(std::function<void(const HomieEvent& event)> callback);

Set the event handler. Useful if you want to hook to Homie events.

  • callback: Event handler
Homie& setResetTrigger(uint8_t pin, uint8_t state, uint16_t time);

Set the reset trigger. By default, the device will reset when pin 0 is LOW for 5000ms.

  • pin: Pin of the reset trigger
  • state: Reset when the pin reaches this state for the given time
  • time: Time necessary to reset
Homie& disableResetTrigger();

Disable the reset trigger.

Homie& setSetupFunction(std::function<void()> callback);

You can provide the function that will be called when operating in normal mode.

  • callback: Setup function
Homie& setLoopFunction(std::function<void()> callback);

You can provide the function that will be looped in normal mode.

  • callback: Loop function
Homie& setStandalone();

This will mark the Homie firmware as standalone, meaning it will first boot in standalone mode. To configure it and boot to configuration mode, the device has to be resetted.

Functions to call after Homie.setup()

void reset();

Flag the device for reset.

void setIdle(bool idle);

Set the device as idle or not. This is useful at runtime, because you might want the device not to be resettable when you have another library that is doing some unfinished work, like moving shutters for example.

  • idle: Device in an idle state or not
void prepareToSleep();

Prepare the device for deep sleep. It ensures messages are sent and disconnects cleanly from the MQTT broker, triggering a READY_TO_SLEEP event when done.

void doDeepSleep(uint32_t time_us = 0, RFMode mode = RF_DEFAULT);

Puth the device into deep sleep. It ensures the Serial is flushed.

bool isConfigured() const;

Is the device in normal mode, configured?

bool isConnected() const;

Is the device in normal mode, configured and connected?

const ConfigStruct& getConfiguration() const;

Get the configuration struct.


Be careful with this struct, never attempt to change it.

AsyncMqttClient& getMqttClient();

Get the underlying AsyncMqttClient object.

Logger& getLogger();

Get the underlying Logger object, which is only a wrapper around Serial by default.


HomieNode(const char* id, const char* type, std::function<bool(const String& property, const HomieRange& range, const String& value)> handler = );

Constructor of an HomieNode object.

  • id: ID of the node
  • type: Type of the node
  • handler: Optional. Input handler of the node
const char* getId() const;

Return the ID of the node.

const char* getType() const;

Return the type of the node.

PropertyInterface& advertise(const char* property);
PropertyInterface& advertiseRange(const char* property, uint16_t lower, uint16_t upper);

Advertise a property / range property on the node.

  • property: Property to advertise
  • lower: Lower bound of the range
  • upper: Upper bound of the range

This returns a reference to PropertyInterface on which you can call:

void settable(std::function<bool(const HomieRange& range, const String& value)> handler) = );

Make the property settable.

  • handler: Optional. Input handler of the property
SendingPromise& setProperty(const String& property);

Using this function, you can set the value of a node property, like a temperature for example.

  • property: Property to send

This returns a reference to SendingPromise, on which you can call:

SendingPromise& setQos(uint8_t qos);  // defaults to 1
SendingPromise& setRetained(bool retained);  // defaults to true
SendingPromise& overwriteSetter(bool overwrite);  // defaults to false
SendingPromise& setRange(const HomieRange& range);  // defaults to not a range
SendingPromise& setRange(uint16_t rangeIndex);  // defaults to not a range
uint16_t send(const String& value);  // finally send the property, return the packetId (or 0 if failure)

Method names should be self-explanatory.


HomieSetting<T>(const char* name, const char* description);

Constructor of an HomieSetting object.

  • T: Type of the setting. Either bool, unsigned long, long, double or const char*
  • name: Name of the setting
  • description: Description of the setting
T get() const;

Get the default value if the setting is optional and not provided, or the provided value if the setting is required or optional but provided.

bool wasProvided() const;

Return whether the setting was provided or not (otherwise get() would return the default value).

Set the default value and make the setting optional.

HomieSetting<T>& setDefaultValue(T defaultValue);
  • defaultValue: The default value
HomieSetting<T>& setValidator(std::function<bool(T candidate)> validator);

Set a validation function for the setting. The validator must return true if the candidate is correct, false otherwise.

  • validator: The validation function