
Homie: An MQTT Convention for IoT/M2M

License: CCA 4.0
Version: [develop] [v1.5.0] [v2.0.0] [v2.0.1] [v3.0.0] [v3.0.1] [v4.0.0]
Changes: [Diff to previous]
Release date: 09. December 2024
Frequently asked questions

How do I query/request a property?

You don’t. The MQTT protocol does not implement the request-reply but rather the publish-subscribe messaging pattern. The Homie convention follows the publish-subscribe principle by publishing data as retained messages on a regular basis. You might want to rethink the design of your application - in most scenarios a regularly updated information is sufficient.

Workaround: You are free to implement your own ideas on top of the basic structure of the Homie convention. You could either implement a get getter topic and its logic to trigger a value update, or you may exploit the concept of Homie properties and define a settable property to trigger a value update.


By exercising the Licensed Rights (defined on https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), You accept and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License ("Public License"). To the extent this Public License may be interpreted as a contract, You are granted the Licensed Rights in consideration of Your acceptance of these terms and conditions, and the Licensor grants You such rights in consideration of benefits the Licensor receives from making the Licensed Material available under these terms and conditions.

Table of Contents

MQTT Restrictions

Homie communicates through MQTT and is hence based on the basic principles of MQTT topic publication and subscription.

Topic IDs

An MQTT topic consists of one or more topic levels, separated by the slash character (/). A topic level ID MAY ONLY contain lowercase letters from a to z, numbers from 0 to 9 as well as the hyphen character (-).

The special character $ is used and reserved for Homie attributes.

QoS and retained messages

The recommended QoS level is Exactly once (QoS 2) (except for non-retained, see below).

  • All messages MUST be sent as retained, UNLESS stated otherwise.
  • Controllers setting values for device properties publish to the Property set topic with non-retained messages only.
  • Controllers setting values for non-retained device properties should publish to the Property /set topic with a QoS of At most once (QoS 0).
  • Devices publishing values for their non-retained properties must use non-retained messages, with a QoS of At most once (QoS 0).

For QoS details see the explanation.

Last Will

Homie requires the last will (LWT) to set the homie / 5 / [device ID] / $state attribute to the value lost, see Device Lifecycle. MQTT only allows one last will message per connection, but since a device can have children, the LWT message MUST be set on the root device (the device at the root of the parent-child tree).

Empty string values

MQTT will treat an empty string payload as a “delete” instruction for the topic, therefor an empty string value is represented by a 1-character string containing a single byte value 0 (Hex: 0x00, Dec: 0).

The empty string (passed as an MQTT payload) can only occur in 3 places;

  • homie / 5 / [device ID] / [node ID] / [property ID]; reported property values (for string types)
  • homie / 5 / [device ID] / [node ID] / [property ID] / set; the topic to set properties (of string types)
  • homie / 5 / [device ID] / [node ID] / [property ID] / $target; the target property value (for string types)

This convention specifies no way to represent an actual value of a 1-character string with a single byte 0. If a device needs this, then it should provide an escape mechanism on the application level.


  • Every MQTT message payload MUST be sent as a UTF-8 encoded string
  • The message MUST NOT include the UTF-8 BOM
  • The value published as payload MUST be valid for the respective property/attribute type as per the list below


  • String types are limited to 268,435,456 characters
  • An empty string ("") is a valid payload


  • Integer types are string literal representations of 64-bit signed whole numbers
  • Integers range from -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 (-263) to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 (263-1)
  • The payload may only contain whole numbers and the negation character “-”. No other characters including spaces (" “) are permitted
  • A string with just a negation sign (”-") is not a valid payload
  • An empty string ("") is not a valid payload


  • Float types are string literal representations of 64-bit signed floating point numbers
  • Floats range from +/-(2^-1074) to +/-((2 - 2^-52) * 2^1023)
  • The payload may only contain whole numbers, the negation character “-”, the exponent character “e” or “E” and the decimal separator “.”, no other characters, including spaces (" “) are permitted
  • The dot character (”.") is the decimal separator (used if necessary) and may only have a single instance present in the payload
  • Representations of numeric concepts such as “NaN” (Not a Number) and “Infinity” are not a valid payload
  • A string with just a negation sign ("-") is not a valid payload
  • An empty string ("") is not a valid payload


  • Booleans must be converted to the string literals “true” or “false”
  • Representation is case sensitive, e.g. “TRUE” or “FALSE” are not valid payloads.
  • An empty string ("") is not a valid payload


  • Enum payloads must be one of the values specified in the format definition of the property
  • Enum payloads are case sensitive, e.g. “Car” will not match a format definition of “car”
  • Leading- and trailing-whitespace is significant, e.g. “Car” will not match " Car".
  • An empty string ("") is not a valid payload


  • Color payload validity varies depending on the property format definition of either “rgb”, “hsv”, or “xyz”
  • All payload types contain comma-separated data of differing restricted ranges. The first being the type, followed by numbers. The numbers must conform to the float format
  • The encoded string may only contain the type, the float numbers and the comma character “,”, no other characters are permitted, including spaces (" “)
  • Payloads for type “rgb” contain 3 comma-separated values of floats (r, g, b) with a valid range between 0 and 255 (inclusive). e.g. "rgb,100,100,100"
  • Payloads for type “hsv” contain 3 comma-separated values of floats. The first number (h) has a range of 0 to 360 (inclusive), and the second and third numbers (s and v) have a range of 0 to 100 (inclusive). e.g. "hsv,300,50,75"
  • Payloads for type “xyz” contain 2 comma separated values of floats (x, y) with a valid range between 0 and 1 (inclusive). The “z” value can be calculated via z=1-x-y and is therefore not transmitted. (see CIE_1931_color_space). e.g. "xyz,0.25,0.34"
  • Note: The rgb and hsv formats encode both color and brightness, whereas xyz only encodes the color, so;
    • when brightness encoding is required: do not use xyz, or optionally add another property for the brightness (such that setting hsv and rgb values changes both the color property and the brightness one if required)
    • if color only is encoded: ignore the v value in hsv, and use the relative colors of rgb eg. color_only_r = 255 * r / max(r, g, b), etc.
  • An empty string (”") is not a valid payload



  • Duration payloads must use the ISO 8601 duration format
  • The format is PTxHxMxS, where: P: Indicates a period/duration (required). T: Indicates a time (required). xH: Hours, where x represents the number of hours (optional). xM: Minutes, where x represents the number of minutes (optional). xS: Seconds, where x represents the number of seconds (optional).
  • Examples: PT12H5M46S (12 hours, 5 minutes, 46 seconds), PT5M (5 minutes)
  • An empty string ("") is not a valid payload


  • Contains a JSON string for transporting complex data formats that cannot be exposed as single value attributes.
  • The payload MUST be either a JSON-Array or JSON-Object type, for other types the standard Homie types should be used.

Domain and Root Topic

The root topic in this convention is "homie/5/". It consists of 2 segments, the first being the homie-domain, and the second indicating the major version number of this convention. The homie-domain must be a single segment and defaults to "homie". If it does not suit your needs (in case of, e.g., a public broker or because of branding), you can change the domain part. The second segment, containing the version, may not be customized. This allows controllers to subscribe to only the devices they are compatible with.


Homie 5 controllers must by default perform auto-discovery on the wildcard topic "+/5/+/$state". Controllers are free to restrict discovery to a specific homie-domain, configurable by the user. A zero length payload published on the $state topic indicates a device removal, see device lifecycle.

Topology and structure

Devices: An instance of a physical piece of hardware is called a device. For example, a car, an Arduino/ESP8266, or a coffee machine. Within the convention devices can be modelled to have children. For example, bridge devices; a zwave bridge device (the parent) exposes many child devices (the zwave devices). There is no depth limit set on additionally nested children.

Nodes: A device can expose multiple nodes. Nodes are independent or logically separable parts of a device. For example, a car might expose a wheels node, an engine node, and a lights node.

Properties: A node can have multiple properties. Properties represent basic characteristics of the node/device, often given as numbers or finite states. For example, the wheels node might expose an angle property. The engine node might expose a speed, direction, and temperature property. The lights node might expose an intensity and a color property.

Attributes: Devices, nodes and properties have specific attributes characterizing them. Attributes are represented by a topic identifier starting with $. The precise definition of attributes is important for the automatic discovery of devices following the Homie convention.

Examples: A device might have an IP attribute, a node will have a name attribute, and a property will have a unit attribute.


  • homie / 5 / [device ID]: this is the base topic of a device. Each device must have a unique device ID that adheres to the ID format.

Device Attributes

The following topic structure will be used to expose the device attributes:

  • homie / 5 / [device ID] / [$device-attribute]:

Devices have the following attributes:

Attribute Required Description
$state yes Reflects the current state of the device. See Device Lifecycle
$description yes The description document (JSON), describing the device, nodes, and properties of this device. Important: this value may only change when the device $state is either init, disconnected, or lost.
$log no A topic that allows devices to log messages. See Logging

The JSON description document is a JSON object with the following fields;

Field Type Required Default Nullable Description
homie string yes no The implemented Homie convention version, without the “patch” level. So the format is "5.x", where the 'x' is the minor version.
version integer yes no The version of the description document. Whenever the document changes, a new version must be assigned. This does not need to be sequential, eg. a timestamp or a random number could be used.
nodes object no {} no The Nodes the device exposes. An object containing the Nodes, indexed by their ID. Defaults to an empty object.
name string no [device-id] no Friendly name of the device. Defaults to the ID of the device.
type string no no Type of Device. Please ensure proper namespacing to prevent naming collisions.
children array-strings no [] no Array of ID’s of child devices. Defaults to an empty array.
root string yes/no no ID of the root parent device. Required if the device is NOT the root device, MUST be omitted otherwise.
parent string yes/no same as root no ID of the parent device. Required if the parent is NOT the root device. Defaults to the value of the root property.
extensions array-strings no [] no Array of supported extensions. Defaults to an empty array.

For example, a device with an ID of super-car that comprises of a wheels, engine, and a lights node would send:

homie/5/super-car/$state  "init"
homie/5/super-car/$description  following JSON document;
        "homie": "5.0",
        "name": "Supercar",
        "version": 7,
        "nodes": { 
          "wheels": { ... },
          "engine": { ... },
          "lights": { ... }

Device hierarchy

Devices can be organized in parent-child relationships. These are expressed via the device attributes root, parent, and children. In any parent-child tree, there is only one “root” device, which is the top-level device that has no parent, but only children.

Example: a ZWave bridge (id = "bridge"), which exposes a ZWave device with a dual-relay (id = "dualrelay"), which respectively control Light1 (id = "light1") and Light2 (id = "light2"). So there are 4 devices in total. Then these are the attribute values:

id children root parent
Zwave bridge “bridge” [“dualrelay”]
Zwave relay “dualrelay” [“light1”, “light2”] “bridge”
First light “light1” “bridge” “dualrelay”
Second light “light2” “bridge” “dualrelay”

To monitor the state of child devices in this tree 2 topic subscriptions are needed. The $state attribute of the device itself, as well as the $state attribute of its root device. Because if the root device loses its connection to the MQTT server, the last will (LWT), will set its $state attribute to "lost", but it will not update the child-device states. Hence the need for 2 topic subscriptions.

The state of any device should be determined as follows:

has a root set root state device state
no n.a. device state is the $state attribute of the device itself
yes not "lost" device state is the $state attribute of the device itself
yes "lost" device state is "lost" ($state attribute of the root device)

Device Lifecycle

The $state device attribute represents the current state of the device. A device exists once a valid value is set in the $state attribute. It doesn’t mean the device is complete and valid (yet), but it does mean it exists.

There are 5 possible state values:

  • init: this is the state the device is in when it is connected to the MQTT broker, but has not yet sent all Homie messages and is not yet ready to operate. This state is optional and may be sent if the device takes a long time to initialize, but wishes to announce to consumers that it is coming online. A device may fall back into this state to do some reconfiguration.
  • ready: this is the state the device is in when it is connected to the MQTT broker and has sent all Homie messages describing the device attributes, nodes, properties, and their values. The device has subscribed to all appropriate /set topics and is ready to receive messages.
  • disconnected: this is the state the device is in when it is cleanly disconnected from the MQTT broker. You must send this message before cleanly disconnecting.
  • sleeping: this is the state the device is in when the device is sleeping. You have to send this message before sleeping.
  • lost: this is the state the device is in when the device has been “badly” disconnected. Important: If a root-device $state is "lost" then the state of every child device in its tree is also "lost". You must define this message as the last will (LWT) for root devices.

In order to permanently remove a device the following steps should be performed in order:

  1. remove the retained $state attribute from the broker by publishing a zero length payload message to its topic. The device will cease to exist.
  2. any other retained attributes or property values should be cleared via the same method afterwards.


  • homie / 5 / [device ID] / [node ID]: this is the base topic of a node. Each node must have a unique node ID on a per-device basis which adheres to the ID format.

Node Attributes

There are no node attributes in MQTT topics for this level.

The Node object itself is described in the homie / 5 / [device ID] / $description JSON document. The Node object has the following fields:

Field Type Required Default Nullable Description
name string no [node-id] no Friendly name of the Node. Defaults to the ID of the node.
type string no no Type of Node. Please ensure proper namespacing to prevent naming collisions.
properties object no {} no The Properties the Node exposes. An object containing the Properties, indexed by their ID. Defaults to an empty object.

For example, our engine node would look like this:

      "engine": {
        "name": "Car engine",
        "properties": {
          "speed": { ... },
          "direction": { ... },
          "temperature": { ... }


  • homie / 5 / [device ID] / [node ID] / [property ID]: this is the base topic of a property. Each property must have a unique property ID on a per-node basis which adheres to the ID format.

Property Attributes

Attribute Required Description
yes A property value (e.g. a sensor reading) is directly published to the property topic, e.g.: homie/5/super-car/engine/temperature → "21.5"
$target no Describes an intended state change. The $target attribute must either be used for every value update (including the initial one), or it must never be used.

The Property object itself is described in the homie / 5 / device ID / $description JSON document. The Property object has the following fields:

Field Type Required Default Nullable Description
name string no [property-id] no Friendly name of the Property. Defaults to the ID of the property.
datatype string yes no The data type. See Payloads. Any of the following values: "integer", "float", "boolean", "string", "enum", "color", "datetime", "duration", "json".
format string see formats see formats no Specifies restrictions or options for the given data type.
settable boolean no false no Whether the Property is settable.
retained boolean no true no Whether the Property is retained.
unit string no no Unit of this property. See units.

For example, our temperature property would look like this in the device/node description document:

      "temperature": {
        "name": "Engine temperature",
        "unit": "°C",
        "datatype": "float",
        "format": "-20:120"

And the following MQTT topic with the reported property value:

homie/5/super-car/engine/temperature  "21.5"

Settable and retained properties

Properties can be settable and/or retained. For example, you don’t want your temperature property to be settable in case of a temperature sensor (like the car example), but it should be settable in the case of a thermostat setpoint.

A property is retained by default. A non-retained property would be useful for momentary events (e.g. doorbell pressed). See also QoS settings.

A combination of the settable and retained flags compiles into this list:

retained settable description
yes yes The node publishes a property state and can receive commands for the property (by a controller or other party) (lamp power)
yes no (default) The node publishes a property state (temperature sensor)
no yes The node publishes momentary events and can receive commands for the property from a controller (brew coffee)
no no The node publishes momentary events (doorbell pressed)


The format attribute specifies restrictions or options for the given data type. User interfaces can derive hints from the formats for displaying values.

Type Required Default Description
float no : [min]:[max][:step] where min and max are the respective minimum and maximum (inclusive) allowed values, both represented in the format for float types. Eg. 10.123:15.123. If the minimum and/or maximum are missing from the format, then they are open-ended, so 0: allows a value >= 0.
The optional step determines the step size, eg. 2:6:2 will allow values 2, 4, and 6. It must be greater than 0. See notes below this table on calculations.
integer no : [min]:[max][:step] where min and max are the respective minimum and maximum (inclusive) allowed values, both represented in the format for integer types. Eg. 5:35. If the minimum and/or maximum are missing from the format, then they are open-ended, so :10 allows a value <= 10.
The optional step determines the step size, eg. 2:6:2 will allow values 2, 4, and 6. It must be greater than 0. See notes below this table on calculations.
enum yes A comma-separated list of non-quoted values. Eg. value1,value2,value3. Leading- and trailing whitespace is significant. Individual values can not be an empty string, hence at least 1 value must be specified in the format. Duplicates are not allowed.
color yes A comma-separated list of color formats supported; rgb, hsv, and/or xyz. The formats should be listed in order of preference (most preferred first, least preferred last). See the color type for the resulting value formats. E.g. a device supporting RGB and HSV, where RGB is preferred, would have its format set to "rgb,hsv".
boolean no false,true Identical to an enum with 2 entries. The first represents the false value and the second is the true value. Eg. close,open or off,on. If provided, then both entries must be specified. Important: the format does NOT specify valid payloads, they are descriptions of the valid payloads false and true.
json no {\"anyOf\": [{\"type\": \"array\"},{\"type\": \"object\"}]} A JSONschema definition, which is added as a string (escaped), NOT as a nested json-object. See JSON considerations, for some ideas wrt compatibility. If a client fails to parse/compile the JSONschema, then it should ignore the given schema and fall back to the default schema.

Note on numeric formats and step-sizes:

The base for calculating a proper value based on step should be min, max, or the current property value (in that order). The implementation should round property values to the nearest step (which can be outside the min/max range). The min/max validation must be done after rounding. In case of integers, the input MUST already be a valid integer, before rounding to a step.

There is a caveat when rounding towards a step: if the value to be rounded, is less than the base then the intermediate values might round differently since proper mathematical rounding is done “away from 0”. A positive 1.5 rounds to 2 (so up), and negative -1.5 rounds to -2 (so down), but both round “away from 0”. Example showing the unexpected effect:

input format result explanation
5 "0:10:2" 6 base = 0; result = round((5-base)/stepsize) * stepsize + base = 6
5 ":10:2" 4 base = 10; result = round((5-base)/stepsize) * stepsize + base = 4

To mitigate this do not use round(x), but use floor(x + 0.5) instead. Such that rounding always goes up:

input format result explanation
5 "0:10:2" 6 base = 0; result = floor((5-base)/stepsize + 0.5) * stepsize + base = 6
5 ":10:2" 6 base = 10; result = floor((5-base)/stepsize + 0.5) * stepsize + base = 6


Recommended unit strings:

  • °C: Degree Celsius (see ‘Degree’ for encoding)
  • °F: Degree Fahrenheit (see ‘Degree’ for encoding)
  • °: Degree
  • L: Liter
  • gal: Gallon
  • V: Volts
  • W: Watt
  • kW: Kilowatt
  • kWh: Kilowatt-hour
  • A: Ampere
  • Hz: Hertz
  • rpm: Revolutions per minute
  • %: Percent
  • m: Meter
  • : Cubic meter
  • ft: Feet
  • m/s: Meters per Second
  • kn: Knots
  • Pa: Pascal
  • psi: PSI
  • ppm: Parts Per Million
  • s: Seconds
  • min: Minutes
  • h: Hours
  • lx: Lux
  • K: Kelvin
  • MK⁻¹: Mired
  • #: Count or Amount

The non-ASCII characters are specified as Unicode codepoints and the UTF-8 byte sequence that represents them. Since the same characters can be created in many visually similar ways it is important to stick to the exact byte sequences to enable proper interoperability.

You are not limited to the recommended values, although they are the only well known ones that will have to be recognized by any Homie consumer.

Target attribute

The $target attribute for properties allows a device to communicate an intended state change of a property. This serves 2 main purposes;

  1. closing the control loop for a controller setting a value (if the property is settable).
  2. feedback in case a change is not instantaneous (e.g. a light that slowly dimms over a longer period, or a motorized valve that takes several minutes to fully open)

If implemented, then a device must first update the $target attribute, then start the transition (with optional state-value updates during the transition), and when done update the property value to match the $target value (functional equivalent, not necessarily a byte-by-byte equality).

If a new target is received (and accepted) from a controller by publishing to the property’s set topic, then the exact value received must be published to the $target topic (byte-by-byte equality). To allow for closing the control loop.


  • a controller can only assume that the command it send to the set topic was received and accepted. Not necessarily that it will ever reach the target state, since if another controller updates the property again, it might never reach the target state.
  • The same goes for possible conversions (colors), rounding (number formats), etc. it will be very hard to check functional equivalence, since the value published may have a different format. So a controller should NOT implement a retry loop checking the final value. At best they should implement retries until the value set is being accepted.
  • Homie devices representing remote hardware (typically when bridging) should NOT set the $target attribute upon receiving a change from the hardware device. This is only allowed if the hardware explicitly distinguishes between current value and target value. This is to prevent a loop; e.g. a homie controller sets 100% as target, software instructs hardware to change, intermediate updates received from hardware; 20%, 40%, etc, should NOT overwrite the $target value, since that still is 100.

Property command topic

  • homie / 5 / [device ID] / [node ID] / [property ID] / set: The device must subscribe to this topic if the property is settable (in the case of actuators for example).

A Homie controller publishes to the set command topic with non-retained messages only. See retained messages.

The assigned and processed payload must be reflected by the Homie device in the property topic homie / 5 / [device ID] / [node ID] / [property ID] or target attribute homie / 5 / [device ID] / [node ID] / [property ID] / $target as soon as possible. This property state update not only informs other devices about the change but closes the control loop for the commanding controller, important for deterministic interaction with the client device.

To give an example: A kitchen-light device exposing the light node with a settable power property subscribes to the topic homie/5/kitchen-light/light/power/set for commands:

homie/5/kitchen-light/light/power/set  "true"

In response, the device will turn on the light and upon success update its power property state accordingly:

homie/5/kitchen-light/light/power  "true"

If the light were a dimmable light with a brightness property (0-100%), and it would be set to slowly dim over 5 seconds, then the $target attribute can be used (assuming once per second updates);

homie/5/kitchen-light/light/brightness/set  100
homie/5/kitchen-light/light/brightness/$target  100
homie/5/kitchen-light/light/brightness  20  (after 1 second)
homie/5/kitchen-light/light/brightness  40  (after 2 seconds)
homie/5/kitchen-light/light/brightness  60  (after 3 seconds)
homie/5/kitchen-light/light/brightness  80  (after 4 seconds)
homie/5/kitchen-light/light/brightness  100  (after 5 seconds)

Alert topic

Devices can raise alerts. Alerts are user facing messages that have an ID, they can be set and removed. The alert topic is defined as;

  • homie / 5 / [device ID] / $alert / [alert ID] → “alert message”

A device can raise a message on a specific ID. Once the alert is no longer usefull or has been resolved, it can be removed by deleting the topic. Alerts must be send as retained messages. The alert ID must have a valid ID format, where topic ID’s starting with $ are reserved for Homie usage.


/homie/5/mydevid/$alert/childlost = "Sensor xyz in livingroom hasn't reported updates for 3 hours"
/homie/5/mydevid/$alert/battery = "Battery is low, at 8%"

In the examples above, once the situation is resolved (the sensor comes back to live, or the batteries are replaced), the device will delete the topics again, indicating the alerts have been handled.

Broadcast Topic

Homie defines a broadcast topic, so a controller can broadcast a message to all Homie devices:

  • homie / 5 / $broadcast / [subtopic]: where subtopic can be any topic with single or multiple levels. Each segement must adhere to the ID format.

The messages SHOULD be non-retained.

For example, you might want to broadcast an alert event with the alert reason as the payload. Devices are then free to react or not. In our case, every buzzer of your home automation system would start buzzing.

homie/5/$broadcast/alert  "Intruder detected"
homie/5/$broadcast/security/alert  "Intruder detected"


Since devices may be resource constraint they might not have logging capabilities. Homie provides a specific topic where devices can send log messages. The topic is defined as;

  • homie / 5 / [device ID] / $log / [level]

The topic-value is the logged message, no sub-topics are allowed. All log messages send should be non-retained. The level is set according to the following table:

level description
debug detailed information for troubleshooting purposes
info informational message, device is working as expected
warn something potentially harmful happened
error an error happened, the device will continue to operate but functionality might be impaired
fatal a non-recoverable error occured, operation of the device is likely suspended/stopped
homie/5/my-device/$log/warn  "battery low"
homie/5/my-device/$log/error  "sensor value is out of range"

Note that MQTT is not meant to be a logging solution, and hence it should be used with care. The implementation should try and limit the traffic on the MQTT bus. If devices implement messages and levels that can be “noisy”, then the device should provide a configuration option to turn them off, to limit the bandwidth consumed.


This convention only covers the discoverability of devices and their capabilities. The aim is to have standardized MQTT topics for all kinds of complex scenarios. A Homie device may therefore support extensions, defined in separate documents. Every extension is identified by a unique ID.

The ID consists of the reverse domain name and a freely chosen suffix. The proper term homie is reserved and must not be used as a suffix or as part of the domain name.

For example, an organization example.org wanting to add a feature our-feature would choose the extension ID org.example.our-feature.

Every extension must be published using a license. The license can be chosen freely, even proprietary licenses are possible. The recommended license is the CCA 4.0 since this is the license Homie itself uses.

Implementation notes

Device initialization

Some devices require knowledge of their settable retained properties to function properly. The homie convention does not specify how to initialize/recover them e.g. after a power cycle. A few common approaches are:

  • A device can simply load default values from some configuration file.
  • A device can restore its previous state from some local storage. This is the recommended way.
  • A device may try to restore its state using MQTT. This can be done by subscribing to the respective channels. The controller could set all properties of a device once it becomes ready. An alternative way is to recover the state from other MQTT channels that are external to the Homie specification.
  • If a property is not critical for correctly functioning, there is no need to recover it.

Device reconfiguration

If a device wishes to modify any of its nodes or properties, it can

  • disconnect and reconnect with other values, or
  • set $state=init and then modify any of the attributes.

Devices can remove old properties and nodes by deleting the respective MQTT topics by publishing an empty message to those topics (an actual empty string on MQTT level, so NOT the escaped 0x00 byte, see also empty string values).

When adding many child devices, implementations should take care of not publishing too many parent-updates, since every controller would have to parse the description again and again.

Adding children

The recommended way to add child device is as follows:

  1. first publish any child-devices, as any other device
    1. set child-device state to "init"
    2. publish child-device details (including parent details in root and parent fields)
    3. set child-device state to "ready"
  2. update the parent device, as any other change
    1. set parent state to "init"
    2. update parent description (add any child IDs to its children array)
    3. set parent state to "ready"

Be aware that due to MQTT message ordering the consistency at any stage in this process cannot be guaranteed.

Removing children

The recommended way to remove child device is as follows:

  1. update the parent device
    1. set parent state to "init"
    2. update parent description (remove any child IDs from its children array)
    3. set parent state to "ready"
  2. clear any child-device(s) topics, starting with the $state topic

Be aware that due to MQTT message ordering the consistency at any stage in this process cannot be guaranteed.


Some considerations related to versioning in this specification;

  • compatibility is assumed to be major version only, so version 5 for this spec.
  • the base topic includes the major version. This allows controllers to only subscribe to devices they are compatible with.

Backward compatibility

  • backward compatibility: a v5 controller controlling a v5 device with a smaller minor version. Eg. a v5.3 controller sending commands to a v5.0 device.
  • Controllers should be aware of unsupported features in older major or minor versions they subscribe to because the spec for that version is known.

Forward compatibility

  • forward compatibility: a v5 controller controlling a v5 device with a higher minor version. Eg. a v5.0 controller sending commands to a v5.2 device.
  • Controllers should ignore unknown fields, properties, attributes, etc. within an object (device, node, or property), but keep the object itself.
  • Controllers should ignore the entire object (device, node, or property) if in a known field, property, or attribute an illegal value is encountered. For example;
    • illegal characters in a topic or name
    • unknown data type
    • unknown/illegal format
    • required element missing

JSON considerations

Validation of JSON payloads is hard. The most common approach to validate JSON data is to use JSONschema. Unfortunately JSONschema is not a standard, it is a long list of mostly incompatible drafts of a potential standard. And as such one has to take into account the potential differences in implementations. This is about the JSONschema specifics itself as well as its reliance on RegEx engines for string validations, which are also known to be riddled with incompatibilities (typically language/platform specific).

The most popular JSONschema versions over time tend to be draft 4, draft 7 and the latest (at the time of writing) 2020-12.

General recommendations;

  • If possible use a library that implements the latest JSONschema version available
  • When writing schema’s make sure they are compatible with the popular versions mentioned above
  • Try to avoid RegEx’es, if you have to use them, then;
    • restrict them to character classes and modifiers ("+", "-", "*", "?")
    • do not use back-tracking and OR ("|") constructs (the OR construct can typically be handled on the JSONschema level using an anyOf construct)
  • If a device fails to parse the JSONschema, or a RegEx, then by default it should skip validation and assume the payload is valid.

QoS choices explained

The nature of the Homie convention makes it safe about duplicate messages, so QoS levels for reliability At least once (QoS 1) and Exactly once (QoS 2) should both be fine. The recommended level is Exactly once (QoS 2), since a resend on QoS 1 might have a different order, and hence is slightly less reliable, in case another device sends a new message that lands in between the ‘send’ and ‘resend’ of the first message. However, the probability of that happening is most likely negligible.

Keep in mind that if you change the QoS level to At least once (QoS 1), then it should be done so for the entire Homie network. Because the MQTT order will not hold if the QoS levels of messages are different. That said; anyone who accepts the lesser reliability of At least once (QoS 1), will most likely also not care about the potential ordering issue of mixed QoS levels.

For non-retained properties the QoS level is At most once (QoS 0) to ensure that events don’t arrive late or multiple times. Because the events and commands are time-sensitive. With At most once (QoS 0) messages will not be queued by the broker for delivery if the subscriber (a device or controller) is currently disconnected. Which effectively translates to “either you get it now, or you don’t get it at all”.