

Changes from v2.0.1 to v3.0.0


Commit title Date Hash
Merge pull request #71 from homieiot/rolling-releases 2018-03-25 08:55:18 +1100 96c3086
Add info regarding rolling releases 2018-03-24 15:18:37 +0100 c5ad0b2
Add NodeJS implementation 2018-03-24 11:25:36 +1100 110b68f
Small Readme version fix 2018-03-21 09:00:35 +1100 508f6ae
Fix Versioning. 2018-03-16 07:55:10 +1100 09c84e4
Merge pull request #67 from marvinroger/v2 2018-03-12 12:01:13 +1100 0b90e74
Update Version 2018-03-12 12:00:15 +1100 be4d750
Merge branch ‘redesign’ into v2 2018-03-12 11:59:28 +1100 e25c5dc
added micropython-homie 2018-03-12 11:54:43 +1100 00285cb
Merge pull request #64 from microhomie/v2 2018-02-17 21:12:45 +1100 0a9e88b
Remove WIP state 2018-02-12 10:49:02 +0100 85d6a1f
Add MicroPython implementation 2018-02-10 11:56:40 +0100 d7392c0
Merge pull request #63 from nerdfirefighter/redesign 2018-02-03 18:44:59 +1100 b071d29
Typo Fix 2018-02-02 20:46:05 +1100 25b727f
Merge pull request #1 from marvinroger/redesign 2018-02-02 20:43:27 +1100 71b15b9
Update Branch 2018-01-24 12:08:45 +1100 755b994
Merge pull request #60 from nerdfirefighter/v2 2018-01-24 11:50:03 +1100 0482588
Update README.md 2018-01-17 22:10:47 +1100 97e5ec9
:bug: Fix typos (#55) 2018-01-02 15:25:25 +0100 2247839
:art: Update ToC 2017-11-13 16:34:15 +0100 8d33c76
:art: Clean up MQTT restrictions (#47) 2017-11-13 16:30:32 +0100 3e51c9e
:art: Cosmetic change 2017-11-13 16:22:54 +0100 d977ceb
:fire: Make properties optional with default (#48) 2017-11-10 12:12:22 +0100 a19b81a
:art: Add TOC 2017-11-06 15:39:44 +0100 1b60390
:sparkles: Add $state topic (#50) 2017-11-06 15:11:13 +0100 e355f4e
:art: Small comestic change 2017-09-25 22:00:16 +0200 ddbe9c9
:sparkles: Add a link to the tags 2017-09-25 21:57:58 +0200 e0e3bad
:memo: Add Node.js implementation (#42) 2017-09-21 03:22:32 -0700 e5dcd7e
:sparkles: Allow possibility to know when a device is fully discovered 2017-08-11 20:02:20 +0200 0003daa
:bug: Fix node attributes array 2017-08-11 12:55:26 +0200 90f94c6
:memo: Make clear all values are string 2017-08-11 12:40:44 +0200 11cd9ff
:sparkles: Add color datatype 2017-08-11 12:34:47 +0200 a17b8b3
:fire: Replace property arrays to node arrays 2017-08-11 12:14:11 +0200 460e547
:memo: Change to a car example 2017-08-11 11:46:49 +0200 949ad7d
:art: Moved statistics to seperate section and made some clarifications, when to send device attributes. (#40) 2017-08-10 17:43:27 +0200 7ab2e87
:fire: $unit should not be mandatory (#39) 2017-08-08 11:14:43 +0200 1a5d314
:art: Improve example presentation with strings and java syntax (#36) 2017-08-07 18:39:11 +0200 d81a00a
:memo: Add example for implementation (#37) 2017-08-07 17:35:18 +0200 2be405c
:fire: $unit should not be mandatory (#35) 2017-08-07 15:43:33 +0200 04441dc
:sparkles: Add optional stats properties 2017-08-06 14:29:31 +0200 08666c3
:art: Rearrange and clarify topology (#31) 2017-08-06 14:17:35 +0200 15e8df0
:memo: Add Motivation chapter (#29) 2017-08-05 19:16:02 +0200 1e33ab8
:memo: Add implementations file 2017-08-04 16:38:43 +0200 e87738f
:fire: Move implementations on another page 2017-08-04 16:38:00 +0200 cf92268
:bug: Fix all examples 2017-08-04 16:30:26 +0200 65a91f9
:bug: Use more adequate examples for nodes 2017-08-04 16:05:25 +0200 d10e380
:sparkles: Add shared array attributes 2017-08-04 15:58:41 +0200 b7e1b6b
:art: Make the $format regex simple 2017-08-04 15:43:33 +0200 20c0c13
:fire: Remove $signal and 2017-08-04 15:39:59 +0200 081c5af
:art: Make the structure more consistent 2017-08-04 15:33:49 +0200 4d49797
:art: Clarify background 2017-08-04 15:17:09 +0200 c8a270a
:art: Make each paragraph line on a newline 2017-08-04 15:10:11 +0200 cae1fa5
:sparkles: Make properties discoverable (#27) 2017-08-04 13:56:14 +0200 779093a


n3version: v2.0.1n3version: v3.0.0
4releasedate: 24. March 20184releasedate: 25. March 2018
n11## Backgroundn11## Table of Contents
n13An instance of a physical piece of hardware (an Arduino, an ESP8266...) is called a **device**. A device has **device properties**, like the current local IP, the Wi-Fi signal, etc. A device can expose multiple **nodes**. For example, a weather device might expose a `temperature` node and an `humidity` node. A node can have multiple **node properties**. The `temperature` node might for example expose a `degrees` property containing the actual temperature, and an `unit` property. Node properties can be **ranges**. For example, if you have a LED strip, you can have a node property `led` ranging from `1` to `10`, to control LEDs independently. Node properties can be **settable**. For example, you don't want your `degrees` property to be settable in case of a temperature sensor: this depends on the environment and it would not make sense to change it. However, you will want the `degrees` property to be settable in case of a thermostat.n13* [Motivation](#motivation)
14* [MQTT restrictions](#mqtt-restrictions)
15 * [Topic IDs](#topic-ids)
16 * [Payload](#payload)
17 * [QoS and retained messages](#qos-and-retained-messages)
18* [Topology](#topology)
19 * [Base topic](#base-topic)
20 * [Devices](#devices)
21 * [Device attributes](#device-attributes)
22 * [Device behavior](#device-behavior)
23 * [Device statistics](#device-statistics)
24 * [Nodes](#nodes)
25 * [Node attributes](#node-attributes)
26 * [Properties](#properties)
27 * [Property attributes](#property-attributes)
28 * [Arrays](#arrays)
29 * [Broadcast channel](#broadcast-channel)
nn31## Motivation
33The Homie convention strives to be a **communication definition on top of MQTT** between IoT devices and controlling entities.
35> [MQTT](http://mqtt.org) is a machine-to-machine (M2M)/"Internet of Things" connectivity protocol.
36> It was designed as an extremely lightweight publish/subscribe messaging transport.
38MQTT supports easy and unrestricted message-based communication.
39However, MQTT doesn't define the structure and content of these messages and their relation.
40An IoT device publishes data and provides interaction possibilities but a controlling entity will need to be specifically configured to be able to interface with the device.
42The Homie convention defines a **standardized way** of how IoT devices and services announce themselves and their data on the communication channel.
43The Homie convention is thereby a crucial aspect in the support of **automatic discovery, configuration and usage** of devices and services over the MQTT protocol.
47## MQTT Restrictions
49Homie communicates through [MQTT](http://mqtt.org) and is hence based on the basic principles of MQTT topic publication and subscription.
51### Topic IDs
53An MQTT topic consists of one or more topic levels, separated by the slash character (`/`).
54A topic level ID MAY contain lowercase letters from `a` to `z`, numbers from `0` to `9` as well as the hyphen character (`-`).
56A topic level ID MUST NOT start or end with a hyphen (`-`).
57The special character `$` is used and reserved for Homie *attributes*.
58The underscore (`_`) is used and reserved for Homie *node arrays*.
60### Payload
62Every MQTT message payload MUST be sent as string.
63If a value is of a numeric data type, it MUST be converted to string.
64Booleans MUST be converted to "true" or "false".
65All values MUST be encoded as UTF-8 strings.
15## QoS and retained messages67### QoS and retained messages
n17Homie devices communicate through MQTT.n
19The nature of the Homie convention makes it safe about duplicate messages, so the recommended QoS for reliability is **QoS 1**. All messages MUST be sent as **retained**, UNLESS stated otherwise.69The nature of the Homie convention makes it safe about duplicate messages, so the recommended QoS for reliability is **QoS 1**.
70All messages MUST be sent as **retained**, UNLESS stated otherwise.
n21## ID formatn72## Topology
n23An ID MAY contain only lowercase letters from `a` to `z`, numbers from `0` to `9`, and it MAY contain `-`, but MUST NOT start or end with a `-`.n74**Devices:**
75An instance of a physical piece of hardware is called a *device*.
76For example, a car, an Arduino/ESP8266 or a coffee machine.
n25## Conventionn78**Nodes:**
79A *device* can expose multiple *nodes*.
80Nodes are independent or logically separable parts of a device.
81For example, a car might expose a `wheels` node, an `engine` node and a `lights` node.
n27To efficiently parse messages, Homie defines a few rules related to topic names. The base topic you will see in the following convention will be `homie/`. You can however choose whatever base topic you want.n83Nodes can be **arrays**.
84For example, instead of creating two `lights` node to control front lights and back lights independently, we can set the `lights` node to be an array with two elements.
n29* `homie` / **`device ID`**: this is the base topic of a device. Each device must have an unique device ID which adhere to the [ID format](#id-format).n86**Properties:**
87A *node* can have multiple *properties*.
88Properties represent basic characteristics of the node/device, often given as numbers or finite states.
89For example the `wheels` node might expose an `angle` property.
90The `engine` node might expose a `speed`, `direction` and `temperature` property.
91The `lights` node might expose an `intensity` and a `color` property.
n31### Device propertiesn93Properties can be **settable**.
94For example, you don't want your `temperature` property to be settable in case of a temperature sensor (like the car example), but to be settable in case of a thermostat.
n33* `homie` / **`device ID`** / `$` **`device property`**: a topic starting with a `$` after the base topic of a device represents a device property. A device property MUST be one of these:n96**Attributes:**
97*Devices, nodes and properties* have specific *attributes* characterizing them.
98Attributes are represented by topic identifier starting with `$`.
99The precise definition of attributes is important for the automatic discovery of devices following the Homie convention.
101Examples: A device might have an `IP` attribute, a node will have a `name` attribute, and a property will have a `unit` attribute.
105### Base Topic
107The base topic you will see in the following convention will be `homie/`.
108If this base topic does not suit your needs (in case of, e.g., a public broker), you can choose another.
110Be aware, that only the default base topic `homie/` is eligible for automatic discovery by third party controllers.
114### Devices
116* `homie` / **`device ID`**: this is the base topic of a device.
117Each device must have a unique device ID which adhere to the [ID format](#topic-ids).
119#### Device Attributes
121* `homie` / `device ID` / **`$device-attribute`**:
122When the MQTT connection to the broker is established or re-established, the device MUST send its attributes to the broker immediately.
n37 <th>Property</th>n126 <th>Topic</th>
n51 <td>$online</td>n
52 <td>Device → Controller</td>
53 <td><code>true</code> when the device is online, <code>false</code> when the device is offline (through LWT). When sending the device is online, this message must be sent last, to indicate every other required messages are sent and the device is ready</td>
54 <td>Yes</td>
55 <td>Yes</td>
56 </tr>
57 <tr>
nn147 <td>$state</td>
148 <td>Device → Controller</td>
149 <td>
150 See <a href="#device-behavior">Device behavior</a>
151 </td>
152 <td>Yes</td>
153 <td>Yes</td>
154 </tr>
155 <tr>
n79 <td>$stats/uptime</td>n
80 <td>Device → Controller</td>
81 <td>Time elapsed in seconds since the boot of the device</td>
82 <td>Yes</td>
83 <td>Yes</td>
84 </tr>
85 <tr>
86 <td>$stats/signal</td>
87 <td>Device → Controller</td>
88 <td>Integer representing the Wi-Fi signal quality in percentage if applicable</td>
89 <td>Yes</td>
90 <td>No, this is not applicable to an Ethernet connected device for example</td>
91 </tr>
92 <tr>
93 <td>$stats/interval</td>
94 <td>Device → Controller</td>
95 <td>Interval in seconds at which the <code>$stats/uptime</code> and <code>$stats/signal</code> are refreshed</td>
96 <td>Yes</td>
97 <td>Yes</td>
98 </tr>
99 <tr>
n114 <td>$fw/checksum</td>n
115 <td>Device → Controller</td>
116 <td>MD5 checksum of the firmware running on the device</td>
117 <td>Yes</td>184 <td>$nodes</td>
118 <td>No, depending of your implementation</td>185 <td>Device → Controller</td>
186 <td>
187 Nodes the device exposes, with format <code>id</code> separated by a <code>,</code> if there are multiple nodes.
188 To make a node an array, append <code>[]</code> to the ID.
189 </td>
190 <td>Yes</td>
191 <td>Yes</td>
nn208 <td>$stats</td>
209 <td>Device → Controller</td>
210 <td>Specify all optional stats that the device will announce, with format <code>stats</code> separated by a <code>,</code> if there are multiple stats. See next section for an example</td>
135 <td>$nodes</td>211 <td>Yes</td>
212 <td>Yes</td>
213 </tr>
214 <tr>
215 <td>$stats/interval</td>
n137 <td>Nodes the device exposes, with format <code>id</code> separated by a <code>,</code> if there are multiple nodes.</td>n217 <td>Interval in seconds at which the device refreshes its <code>$stats/+</code>: See next section for details about statistical attributes</td>
n143For example, a device with an ID of `686f6d6965` with a temperature and an humidity sensor would send:n223For example, a device with an ID of `super-car` that comprises off a `wheels`, `engine` and a `lights` node would send:
226homie/super-car/$homie → "2.1.0"
227homie/super-car/$name → "Super car"
228homie/super-car/$localip → ""
229homie/super-car/$mac → "DE:AD:BE:EF:FE:ED"
230homie/super-car/$fw/name → "weatherstation-firmware"
231homie/super-car/$fw/version → "1.0.0"
232homie/super-car/$nodes → "wheels,engine,lights[]"
233homie/super-car/$implementation → "esp8266"
234homie/super-car/$stats/interval → "60"
235homie/super-car/$state → "ready"
n146homie/686f6d6965/$online → truen
147homie/686f6d6965/$name → Bedroom temperature sensor
148homie/686f6d6965/$localip →
149homie/686f6d6965/$signal → 72
150homie/686f6d6965/$fw/name → 1.0.0
151homie/686f6d6965/$fw/version → 1.0.0
n154### Node propertiesn238#### Device Behavior
n156* `homie` / **`device ID`** / **`node ID`** / **`property`**: `node ID` is the ID of the node, which must be unique on a per-device basis, and which adhere to the [ID format](#id-format). `property` is the property of the node that is getting updated, which must be unique on a per-node basis, and which adhere to the [ID format](#id-format).n240The `$state` device attribute represents, as the name suggests, the current state of the device.
241There are 6 different states:
n158Properties starting with a `$` are special properties. It must be one of the following:n243* **`init`**: this is the state the device is in when it is connected to the MQTT broker, but has not yet sent all Homie messages and is not yet ready to operate.
244This is the first message that must that must be sent.
245* **`ready`**: this is the state the device is in when it is connected to the MQTT broker, has sent all Homie messages and is ready to operate.
246You have to send this message after all other announcements message have been sent.
247* **`disconnected`**: this is the state the device is in when it is cleanly disconnected from the MQTT broker.
248You must send this message before cleanly disconnecting.
249* **`sleeping`**: this is the state the device is in when the device is sleeping.
250You have to send this message before sleeping.
251* **`lost`**: this is the state the device is in when the device has been "badly" disconnected.
252You must define this message as LWT.
253* **`alert`**: this is the state the device is when connected to the MQTT broker, but something wrong is happening. E.g. a sensor is not providing data and needs human intervention.
254You have to send this message when something is wrong.
256#### Device Statistics
258* `homie` / `device ID` / `$stats`/ **`$device-statistic-attribute`**:
259The `$stats/` hierarchy allows to send device attributes that change over time. The device MUST send them every `$stats/interval` seconds.
n162 <th>Property</th>n263 <th>Topic</th>
nn270 <td>$stats/uptime</td>
271 <td>Device → Controller</td>
272 <td>Time elapsed in seconds since the boot of the device</td>
273 <td>Yes</td>
274 <td>Yes</td>
275 </tr>
276 <tr>
277 <td>$stats/signal</td>
278 <td>Device → Controller</td>
279 <td>Signal strength in %</td>
280 <td>Yes</td>
281 <td>No</td>
282 </tr>
283 <tr>
284 <td>$stats/cputemp</td>
285 <td>Device → Controller</td>
286 <td>CPU Temperature in °C</td>
287 <td>Yes</td>
288 <td>No</td>
289 </tr>
290 <tr>
291 <td>$stats/cpuload</td>
292 <td>Device → Controller</td>
293 <td>
294 CPU Load in %.
295 Average of last <code>$interval</code> including all CPUs
296 </td>
297 <td>Yes</td>
298 <td>No</td>
299 </tr>
300 <tr>
301 <td>$stats/battery</td>
302 <td>Device → Controller</td>
303 <td>Battery level in %</td>
304 <td>Yes</td>
305 <td>No</td>
306 </tr>
307 <tr>
308 <td>$stats/freeheap</td>
309 <td>Device → Controller</td>
310 <td>Free heap in bytes</td>
311 <td>Yes</td>
312 <td>No</td>
313 </tr>
314 <tr>
315 <td>$stats/supply</td>
316 <td>Device → Controller</td>
317 <td>Supply Voltage in V</td>
318 <td>Yes</td>
319 <td>No</td>
320 </tr>
323For example, our `super-car` device with `$stats/interval` value "60" is supposed to send its current values every 60 seconds:
326homie/super-car/$stats → "uptime,cputemp,signal,battery"
327homie/super-car/$stats/uptime → "120"
328homie/super-car/$stats/cputemp → "48"
329homie/super-car/$stats/signal → "24"
330homie/super-car/$stats/battery → "80"
335### Nodes
337* `homie` / `device ID` / **`node ID`**: this is the base topic of a node.
338Each node must have a unique node ID on a per-device basis which adhere to the [ID format](#topic-ids).
340#### Node Attributes
342* `homie` / `device ID` / `node ID` / **`$node-attribute`**:
343A node attribute MUST be one of these:
346 <tr>
347 <th>Topic</th>
348 <th>Direction</th>
349 <th>Description</th>
350 <th>Retained</th>
351 <th>Required</th>
352 </tr>
353 <tr>
354 <td>$name</td>
355 <td>Device → Controller</td>
356 <td>Friendly name of the Node</td>
357 <td>Yes</td>
358 <td>Yes</td>
359 </tr>
360 <tr>
n178 <td>Properties the node exposes, with format <code>id</code> separated by a <code>,</code> if there are multiple nodes. For ranges, define the range after the <code>id</code>, within <code>[]</code> and separated by a <code>-</code>. For settable properties, add <code>:settable</code> to the <code>id</code></td>n370 <td>
371 Properties the node exposes, with format <code>id</code> separated by a <code>,</code> if there are multiple nodes.
372 </td>
373 <td>Yes</td>
374 <td>Yes</td>
375 </tr>
376 <tr>
377 <td>$array</td>
378 <td>Device → Controller</td>
379 <td>Range separated by a <code>-</code>. e.g. <code>0-2</code> for an array with the indexes <code>0</code>, <code>1</code> and <code>2</code></td>
179 <td>Yes</td>380 <td>Yes</td>
180 <td>Yes</td>381 <td>Yes, if the node is an array</td>
181 </tr>382 </tr>
n184For example, our `686f6d6965` above would send:n385For example, our `engine` node would send:
388homie/super-car/engine/$name → "Car engine"
389homie/super-car/engine/$type → "V8"
390homie/super-car/engine/$properties → "speed,direction,temperature"
395### Properties
397* `homie` / `device ID` / `node ID` / **`property ID`**: this is the base topic of a property.
398Each property must have a unique property ID on a per-node basis which adhere to the [ID format](#topic-ids).
400* A property value (e.g. a sensor reading) is directly published to the property topic, e.g.:
401 ```java
402 homie/super-car/engine/temperature → "21.5"
186```403 ```
187homie/686f6d6965/temperature/$type → temperature
188homie/686f6d6965/temperature/$properties → degrees,unit
189homie/686f6d6965/temperature/unit → c
190homie/686f6d6965/temperature/degrees → 12.07
n192homie/686f6d6965/humidity/$type → humidityn405#### Property Attributes
193homie/686f6d6965/humidity/$properties → percentage
194homie/686f6d6965/humidity/percentage → 79
n197A LED strip would look like this. Note that the topic for a range properties is the name of the property followed by a `_` and the index getting updated:n407* `homie` / `device ID` / `node ID` / `property ID` / **`$property-attribute`**:
408A property attribute MUST be one of these:
200homie/ledstrip-device/ledstrip/$type → ledstrip411 <tr>
201homie/ledstrip-device/ledstrip/$properties → led[1-3]:settable412 <th>Topic</th>
202homie/ledstrip-device/ledstrip/led_1 → on413 <th>Direction</th>
203homie/ledstrip-device/ledstrip/led_2 → off414 <th>Description</th>
204homie/ledstrip-device/ledstrip/led_3 → on415 <th>Valid values</th>
205```416 <th>Retained</th>
417 <th>Required (Default)</th>
418 </tr>
419 <tr>
420 <td>$name</td>
421 <td>Device → Controller</td>
422 <td>Friendly name of the property.</td>
423 <td>Any String</td>
424 <td>Yes</td>
425 <td>No ("")</td>
426 </tr>
427 <tr>
428 <td>$settable</td>
429 <td>Device → Controller</td>
430 <td>Specifies whether the property is settable (<code>true</code>) or readonly (<code>false</code>)</td>
431 <td><code>true</code> or <code>false</code></td>
432 <td>Yes</td>
433 <td>No (<code>false</code>)</td>
434 </tr>
435 <tr>
436 <td>$unit</td>
437 <td>Device → Controller</td>
438 <td>
439 A string containing the unit of this property.
440 You are not limited to the recommended values, although they are the only well known ones that will have to be recognized by any Homie consumer.
441 </td>
442 <td>
443 Recommended:<br>
444 <code>°C</code> Degree Celsius<br>
445 <code>°F</code> Degree Fahrenheit<br>
446 <code>°</code> Degree<br>
447 <code>L</code> Liter<br>
448 <code>gal</code> Galon<br>
449 <code>V</code> Volts<br>
450 <code>W</code> Watt<br>
451 <code>A</code> Ampere<br>
452 <code>%</code> Percent<br>
453 <code>m</code> Meter<br>
454 <code>ft</code> Feet<br>
455 <code>Pa</code> Pascal<br>
456 <code>psi</code> PSI<br>
457 <code>#</code> Count or Amount
458 </td>
459 <td>Yes</td>
460        <td>No ("")</td>
461 </tr>
462 <tr>
463 <td>$datatype</td>
464 <td>Device → Controller</td>
465 <td>Describes the format of data.</td>
466 <td>
467 <code>integer</code>,
468 <code>float</code>,
469 <code>boolean</code>,
470 <code>string</code>,
471 <code>enum</code>,
472 <code>color</code>
473 </td>
474 <td>Yes</td>
475 <td>No (<code>string</code>)</td>
476 </tr>
477 <tr>
478 <td>$format</td>
479 <td>Device → Controller</td>
480 <td>
481 Describes what are valid values for this property.
482 </td>
483 <td>
484 <ul>
485 <li>
486 <code>from:to</code> Describes a range of values e.g. <code>10:15</code>.
487 <br>Valid for datatypes <code>integer</code>, <code>float</code>
488 </li>
489 <li>
490 <code>value,value,value</code> for enumerating all valid values.
491 Escape <code>,</code> by using <code>,,</code>. e.g. <code>A,B,C</code> or <code>ON,OFF,PAUSE</code>.
492 <br>Valid for datatypes <code>enum</code>
493 </li>
494 <li>
495 <code>regex:pattern</code> to provide a regex that can be used to match the value. e.g. <code>regex:[A-Z][0-9]+</code>.
496 <br>Valid for datatype <code>string</code>
497 </li>
498 <li>
499 <code>rgb</code> to provide colors in RGB format e.g. <code>255,255,0</code> for yellow.
500 <code>hsv</code> to provide colors in HSV format e.g. <code>60,100,100</code> for yellow.
501 <br>Valid for datatype <code>color</code>
502 </li>
503 </ul>
504 </td>
505 <td>Yes</td>
506 <td>Depends on $datatype</td>
507 </tr>
nn510For example, our `temperature` property would send:
513homie/super-car/engine/temperature/$name → "Engine temperature"
514homie/super-car/engine/temperature/$settable → "false"
515homie/super-car/engine/temperature/$unit → "°C"
516homie/super-car/engine/temperature/$datatype → "float"
517homie/super-car/engine/temperature/$format → "-20:120"
518homie/super-car/engine/temperature → "21.5"
207* `homie` / **`device ID`** / **`node ID`** / **`property`** / `set`: the device can subscribe to this topic if the property is **settable** from the controller, in case of actuators.521* `homie` / `device ID` / `node ID` / `property ID` / **`set`**: the device can subscribe to this topic if the property is **settable** from the controller, in case of actuators.
n209Homie is state-based. You don't tell your smartlight to `turn on`, but you tell it to put it's `on` state to `true`. This especially fits well with MQTT, because of retained message.n523Homie is state-based.
524You don't tell your smartlight to `turn on`, but you tell it to put its `power` state to `on`.
525This especially fits well with MQTT, because of retained message.
n211For example, a `kitchen-light` device exposing a `light` node would subscribe to `homie/kitchen-light/light/on/set` and it would receive:n527For example, a `kitchen-light` device exposing a `light` node would subscribe to `homie/kitchen-light/light/power/set` and it would receive:
214homie/kitchen-light/light/on/set ← true530homie/kitchen-light/light/power/set ← "on"
n217The device would then turn on the light, and update its `on` state. This provides pessimistic feedback, which is important for home automation.n533The device would then turn on the light, and update its `power` state.
534This provides pessimistic feedback, which is important for home automation.
220homie/kitchen-light/light/on → true537homie/kitchen-light/light/power"true"
nn540### Arrays
542A node can be an array if you've added `[]` to its ID in the `$nodes` device attribute, and if its `$array` attribute is set to the range of the array.
543Let's consider we want to control independently the front lights and back lights of our `super-car`. Our `lights` node array would look like this. Note that the topic for an element of the array node is the name of the node followed by a `_` and the index getting updated:
546homie/super-car/$nodes → "lights[]"
548homie/super-car/lights/$name → "Lights"
549homie/super-car/lights/$properties → "intensity"
550homie/super-car/lights/$array → "0-1"
552homie/super-car/lights/intensity/$name → "Intensity"
553homie/super-car/lights/intensity/$settable → "true"
554homie/super-car/lights/intensity/$unit → "%"
555homie/super-car/lights/intensity/$datatype → "integer"
556homie/super-car/lights/intensity/$format → "0:100"
558homie/super-car/lights_0/$name → "Back lights"
559homie/super-car/lights_0/intensity → "0"
560homie/super-car/lights_1/$name → "Front lights"
561homie/super-car/lights_1/intensity → "100"
564Note that you can name each element in your array individually ("Back lights", etc.).
223### Broadcast channel568### Broadcast Channel
n227* `homie` / `$broadcast` / **`level`**: `level` is an arbitrary broadcast identifier. It must adhere to the [ID format](#id-format).n572* `homie` / `$broadcast` / **`level`**: `level` is an arbitrary broadcast identifier.
573It must adhere to the [ID format](#topic-ids).
n229For example, you might want to broadcast an `alert` event with the alert reason as the payload. Devices are then free to react or not. In our case, every buzzer of your home automation system would start buzzing.n575For example, you might want to broadcast an `alert` event with the alert reason as the payload.
576Devices are then free to react or not.
577In our case, every buzzer of your home automation system would start buzzing.
232homie/$broadcast/alert ← Intruder detected580homie/$broadcast/alert ← "Intruder detected"